Brewing Science



Behind the Tide

Behind the Tide

Who we are!

Texas MWA LLC. The parent company to High Tide Low Tide Coffee was formed in late 2019 by founder Craig Lindstrom. While undergoing two different medical procedures in 2019, he was introduced to CBD, offered as an option to ease side effects of treatment, medications, and associated anxiety. Multiple medical facilities were promoting the same brand of CBD. After many conversations with family, friends, and producers, he discovered the outrageous cost and mark up associated with medical grade CBD. His goal is to source high quality CBD and provide a quality cannabinoid experience to those who need it, at an affordable cost.

Craig grew up in Downey, California, has lived in Las Vegas, Austin and currently resides in Katy, Texas. He has been in the hospitality industry since high school working for several well-known companies such as Disney, Bennigan’s, and The Cheesecake Factory. He also worked in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office. His career there was cut short when in late 2000 he was hit by a drunk driver. Since the accident, he deals with inflammation and consistent pain due to the sustained injuries. Returning to the hospitality industry, he earned a Beer Master Certification and a WSET2 Certification for wine and spirits. His love for wine and coffee naturally drew him to creating his own blend of coffee he calls High Tide Low Tide. The added PCR Hemp Blend helps with the pain, anxiety, inflammation, and overall mood.[1] Craig sources the PCR Hemp blend from SoluScience in Colorado. Each batch is third-party lab tested by Kaycha Labs in Florida. The PCR Hemp Blend is added to the beans post roast to maintain the integrity of the PCR Hemp extract. Craig started with two flavors: Cinnamon Hazelnut Cookie and Tolima 100% Arabica Coffee offered in drip or whole bean. Tolima Columbian beans are sourced, roasted, and blended by a local Houston Coffee Roaster. Due to popular feedback and requests, Craig added two more flavors: Rich and Bold Blend, and French Vanilla. This product line will grow as our guests make suggestions and the market dictates.

On the horizon, Craig has a de-alched (fermented and barrel aged wine with the alcohol removed through reverse osmosis) PCR hemp infused wine in the research and development phase. He was once told by a dear friend that he must take care of himself first to begin healing. He hopes his products will allow others to do just that. His dream is to offer affordable easily enjoyable products that can help others who deal with illness, pain and the anxiety that are associated with it.


[1] These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


“This coffee literally blew my mind the first time I tried it!! I wasn’t sure how caffeine and cbd would work together, but it was absolutely amazing! I felt alert, focused, internally calm, and no pain in my body. No jitters or stomach issues whatsoever. The blend of cbd, cbn, and cbg is pure genius! My teenage kids love this coffee as well! They love having it when they’re studying for something big or need to focus on something. Game changer!”

Bethany Vasquez

“As a coffee lover I can say I have a passion about coffee, so I love trying new coffees and flavors. High Tide Low Tide Coffee is definitely a NEW and UP and coming coffee experience! It’s more than just a great cup of coffee, it’s flavorful and soothing! You find yourself needed less coffee that traditional coffee which goes a long way to overall health. The aroma when being brewed is sweet and tantalizing. Being a local company is also something I strive to support. Amazing coffee and an amazing owner! Everything about this coffee is a MUST try!”

Sonia Trygubenko

“The aroma of this coffee brewing is wonderful & the taste is amazing. No harsh bitter taste from this wonderful brew! I used to put creamer in my coffee but, found out that this coffee does not need anything to compliment or hide the flavor. I can drink this coffee without experiencing any jittery after effects. High Tide Low Tide coffee gives my mind & body a great start to a new day ☕❤”

Terri Lindstrom

“The High Tide Low Tide coffee wakes you up without the jitters of drinking non CBD coffee. It has helped me with inflammation and relax me while giving me a strong focus while getting paperwork done.
Very high quality CBD product! I highly recommend it!”

Michael Bayliss